The world is changing everyday! Don’t miss the latest trends in Creativity, Marketing and Business! We will bring the whole world to you.
How to Brand Yourself on Social Media in 4 Simple Steps
August 31, 2020
If you’re running a business and doing it professionally, there’s no avoiding to brand your social media. Social media is the place to be as a brand. Pretty much everyone (including your mom and your grandma) spends half of their waking hours checking their various social media platforms. And since the golden rule of marketing is “get people where they already are,”...
How Much Does a Logo Cost in 2020?
August 21, 2020
If you’re thinking about taking your side hustle to the next level this year, getting a killer logo design can help transform your business idea into a money-making venture. Which begs the question: how much does a logo cost? From DIY design to working with a graphic designer or agency, the cost of a logo can vary from $20 to $2500+, with several options in between. Mid-range opti...
How to Improve Your Online Marketing When You are a Small Business?
June 11, 2020
Marketing online is one of the most important things for a business, but it requires a certain budget to be well done. But being a small business and therefore having less budget doesn’t mean that you can’t do online marketing. Here are some tips for free online marketing. 1. Writing a blog It will cost you nothing and is easy to set up. Internet visitors are f...
The world is changing everyday! Don’t miss the latest trends in Creativity, Marketing and Business! We will bring the whole world to you.